How I wrote this post.

Establishing a Website

I’ve never had a website. I have six and a half years of experience as a developer and years of puttering about learning everything from Basic to OCaml, but I’ve never had a personal website.

This is a static website produced by Hexo, a Markdown blogging platform built on Node.js. It is being hosted by Nginx on a Debian host from Digital Ocean. I’m familar with Debian, I use it for my personal computers including my overly large collection of Raspberry Pis. My experience with the other buzzwords is limited. I know Javascript, but Node.js is not jQuery; I have some experience with Markdown thanks to it’s prevalence on the web, but writing small posts on Reddit doesn’t count in my opinion; and Nginx has always been on my radar, but my employers have always preferred Apache.

I am writing this in Emacs, an excellent editor once you escape the world of Windows. Yes, you can run Emacs on Windows, but I’d still be reliant on Putty’s GUI to hold my hand with private key generation and tunnel creation. I’m connected remotely to this droplet with Emacs’ Tramp. Once I’m done I will have to return my terminal, ‘unfortunately,’ and generate and deploy with Hexo.

Future of the Website

I hope to write another post about StumpWM and the Pi-Top. I’m hoping that the Raspberry Pi 2 and StumpWM go well together, and it’ll be fun to learn about a new windowing environment and flex my parens some.